Volume 2: The Critical Role of Lighting in Wedding Filmmaking

Let's keep it 100 about wedding films! Once the sun dips and the vibes shift to speeches and dancing, lighting becomes very important. Without it? Your magical moments might end up looking extremely grainy and that’s no bueno!

Many videographers might casually mention, "Don't worry, my camera performs excellently in low light," but this statement often masks an unwillingness to invest in proper lighting equipment or the extra effort required to set it up. The truth is that even the most advanced cameras have limitations in dimly lit venues. Professional filmmakers like myself use dedicated lighting solutions such as powerful spotlights to ensure crisp, clear footage regardless of venue conditions. This becomes especially critical in outdoor settings with only string lights or indoor venues with minimal ambient lighting. When interviewing your potential filmmaker, ask specifically about their lighting equipment and how they handle evening receptions—their answer will reveal volumes about their commitment to capturing your memories with the quality they deserve.

I know in some situations, you may not want a spotlight because it draws more attention to you and I completely understand that feeling. I’m no fan of being on camera (hence why I’m always behind it) but in the long run, you will be able to look back on your film and see everything in a very high quality! No ugly grain, no overly soft image, etc. Good lighting is very key to filmmaking.

Wishing you the best of luck with your search, and early congratulations on your upcoming nuptials.


Let’s begin with a simple one, is audio important to you?

This means you are hellbent on hearing the ceremony and your vows, speeches, etc. This is normal, all video people capture audio - what’s the big deal?

Well, the big deal is how they capture it. You need to ask the following:

What do you use to capture audio for the biggest moments, i.e. ceremony, speeches, etc?

If they cannot tell you the device they use or if they simply say, I have a mic on my camera, then I would highly recommend that you swerveeee. Why? Because those are not acceptable answers for a professional wedding filmmaker.

All wedding filmmakers should have the following:

  1. A 32-bit recorder such as the Zoom F3 or Tascam X8 or some other high quality audio recorder. There are many other recorders but these types of devices will be plugged into the DJ’s audio system.

    1. Any professional should also reassure you that they will bring along all the proper wires! It is not the responsibility of the DJ to provide these accessories to your wedding filmmaker, the filmmaker should always bring along all the necessary cables i.e. RCA cables, quarter-inch cables or XLR.

  2. Another device they should have on hand are lapel microphones and my recommendation is the DJI Mic system, version 2 or something similar. Why version 2, because this version provides 32-bit. This is hella technical but this means that the audio file is very high quality which means if the volume gets too high or too low, the editor can usually save the file! This is an outstanding feature because you will always have some people that speak loudly or people that speak too soft. In my opinion, every filmmaker should make this investment because it ensures they deliver the best quality to their clients.

  3. A shotgun microphone on the cameras - these are important too because at the end of the day, you may want to hear the environment from your wedding day. This only ensures the audio from the camera sounds as good as possible if you decide you want to receive a documentary film. Check my example of a documentary film and how much more you can see from your wedding day!

You’ve got your first question! Wishing you the best of luck with your search, and early congratulations on your upcoming nuptials.